Monday, January 23, 2012

A Blog is Born...

After a year of "blog stalking" and calling each other on the phone gabbing about the latest and greatest teaching idea we found, we finally came up with the brilliant idea to start a blog of our own. We have been trying to put this blog together for over a month now, and we must say that we are even more amazed by all of you teachers out there who manage a blog, create fantastic teaching resources, AND have children! This was supposed to be our winter break project, and we are just now writing our first post (and typed, deleted, edited, and retyped... yeah, we're also slightly OCD).

A little about us...

We were college roommates several years ago at a school in Orange County, California. Stacy studied business while Dina pursued her dream of becoming a teacher. About a year into the business world, Stacy realized that she was missing out on all the fun and went back to school to receive her teaching credential. She now teaches a kindergarten/first grade special education class, while Dina teaches general education third grade. Although we wish we taught at the same school, our jobs take us miles apart. We hope that this blog will give us a peek into each others classrooms and give us the opportunity to (hopefully) share some teaching ideas with you (or at least show how we're using all of your creative ideas!).

Our favorite hobby is social eating. We could seriously spend an entire day at a Corner Bakery eating and talking (and we have!). We talk so much that Dina's husband refuses to dine with us ever again. Other than teaching and spending time with our families, we don't have much time for anything else!

So kick back, relax, and keep it REAL with us! We hope you enjoy our blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ladies,
    I stumbled across your blog through Teaching Maddeness. Your blog name caught my attention since I teach just a few hours north of you on the Central Coast. I teach 3rd grade and I'm excited to be following along!
