Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Sunny Days in Second Grade! To help celebrate, Sunny Days in Second Grade is hosting a linky party asking bloggers to share their favorite birthday idea. Click here to link up!

 In my classroom, my students write each person a birthday letter on his/her birthday.  This is a great way to sneak in letter writing! I also write a letter to the birthday boy or girl to include in the book. For the cover of the book, I use those birthday awards that you can buy at a teacher supply store. I hole punch the corner of the award along with the birthday letter pages and attach them to a metal ring.  At the end of the day, the birthday boy/girl has kind, thoughtful notes from their entire class!

To help manage this, I have my parent volunteers hole punch the birthday awards and copy the blank birthday writing paper at the beginning of the school year. They count out the number of pages each student would need and paper clip it to the award. This way, when a student's birthday arrives, I can quickly grab the pre-made book and we're ready to go!

 You can download the birthday book pages I use for this here.


  1. I'm your newest follower.

    Second In Line

  2. Patty! Thank you so much for following us! :)

  3. Love the birthday book idea! i used to have each student draw a picture for the birthday person, but didn't get to do it this year! Love your idea!

    I am now a follower!


  4. I LOVE the Mother's Day and Birthday book! I just downloaded the birthday book ideas! I am definitely using this for school. I was looking for fresh ideas for birthdays and you came to my rescue! I am your newest follower! Please check out my blog if you have the chance!
    Third Grade Love

  5. I love your Birthday Book...what a snazzy idea :) I too am you newest follower :)
