Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Walk, Talk, ROCK! A simple problem solving strategy for your students!

I recently had an opportunity to attend a training by the Diagnostic Center of Southern California.  I learned a new strategy to teach students problem solving skills that I thought was so awesome!  It’s called “Walk, Talk, or Rock”.  If a student has a disagreement or other problem with another student, they either “Walk” (walk away from the situation), “Talk” (talk through the problem), or “Rock” (do rock, paper, scissors).  It’s important to teach students these invaluable life skills.  I thought this idea was so clever!  Do you have a clever way of teaching problem solving skills? 

Feel free to download this poster and use it in your classroom by clicking here


  1. I think that is a wonderful idea on how to teach our students to cope with a problem. Thanks for the poster!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Love it! Thank you for sharing. That Rock part cracks me up!

  3. I love this short and clever way to teach students about problem solving. Thanks for sharing the free printable, it's on my "to print" list!

  4. Thanks everyone for the kind comments!:) We're glad you like it!

  5. Thanks for the poster. What a great idea. I plan to print the poster and hang it up. The talk part can be our "I message" that our school teaches. "I feel ____ when you _____. I would like ____."

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