Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where I Teach

I am linking up with Blog Hoppin' for "Meet the Teacher Week!" I have loved getting a tour of all the classrooms out there! School has not started here in Orange County, so I am going to have to show you pictures from last year's classroom. Please keep in mind that we are only allowed into our rooms about four days before school starts (with meetings thrown in), so I'm not able to get too elaborate as I would like. Well, on with the tour...

Below are pictures of the front of the classroom and the side bulletin board. I got the idea of the title, "Oh the Places You'll Go in 3rd Grade" from Gingersnap's blog awhile back.  

I use these back cabinets to have students write words that we come across. The students love going to the back and adding new words to the chart paper. Later, students use the words they added in their daily writing. 

I use this back bulletin board for displaying math resources. The colorful bags that you see are where the students store their books for Daily 5. 

I typically hang student writing on this back wall. You can't see from the picture, but I glued a cute button to the clothes pin, which holds their work. 

Well, this is where I teach! Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to link up with Blog Hoppin' and show us your room!



  1. I love the word categories on your back cabinets! Great idea!

    Teaching Fourth

  2. Your blog title is GREAT. Love it! Happy Back to School.

  3. Your classroom looks like a fun place to come every day if you're a kid (or a teacher)! Well done!
    Justin Knight- Writing Pad Dad
    Writing Pad Dad Blog
