Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I almost forgot how to log into blogger...

Has it really been that long? So long that I wasn't sure if I remembered how to log into Blogger? I'm not sure we even have followers it's been that long. Is anybody out there? Hello?

Like all teachers throughout the world, we have been busy. Here's a quick peek at what we've been up to since our last post (which was in July! eek!)

Our summer consisted of leisure and fun {sigh} . . .

This is us waiting for a showing of the Tonight Show...

where we met this guy! 

We even had some time to taste test some of the most popular cupcakes in the Orange County area. Casey's won.
I also threw a gender reveal party for my brother and sister-in-law. It was so much fun planning and decorating. They welcomed a baby girl in November.

Then, the fun and games ended with a screeching halt!

A last minute hire (literally 4 days before school started) in a new district, school, and grade left me feeling like a first year teacher all over again! I am super happy at my new school and love my group of 2nd graders. In addition to this big change, common core and new technology implementation has left us both with no time to blog! We hope to come back once and a while to share what we've been up to in our classrooms.
. . .

Before I sign off, I want to share a holiday gift that my students made for their parents. I know it's  late, but if you like the idea, maybe you can pin it and save it for next year! For the last few years, my students have been making their parents snowmen out of fence posts. The parents can use them to stick in their garden or yard as decoration.

First, I bought wooden fence posts at a local hardware store. They come in all different sizes. I got mine for about a dollar per piece. I used to buy them already painted white. I tried several stores and all they offered were fence posts in natural wood. My students ended up having to paint the posts, which was fun for them, but was an added expense to the project.

My students spent about 2 days painting each side of their post. Once the paint dried, they decorated their post to look like a snowman. I pre-cut fabric to use as the scarf. The nose is made out of orange foam paper and we stuffed a sock with batting for the hat. The final product turned out really cute.

We are wishing you and your families much love, joy, health, and peace this new year!